Countless people have lost relatives. Adoptees have birth parents; but many are hidden due to the closed adoption process and sealed birth records. They may also have siblings, who might even be living nearby.
Divorce, remarriage and infidelity can result in half siblings with no knowledge of each other. Furthermore, many adults are discovering, often accidentally, that the man who raised them is not their biological father.
All this leaves people with unanswered questions about their origins, ethnicity, and inherited medical conditions.
Searching for Lost Relatives
Many people have lost touch with relatives or need to contact an old friend for some purpose.
If you have a name, then the Internet can be a great tool for finding people. But unless the person you seek has an unusual last name, it may be impossible for you to pinpoint the right person.
I suggest you outsource your search to experienced professionals. Origins International subscribes to all the major people search tools. They have an excellent track record of finding anyone at a very reasonable price. Use the above link and request a free case review. Better yet, call them directly at (801) 500-0900.
If you don’t even know the names of your lost relatives, DNA testing can be the answer.
How DNA Testing Can Help
As the cost of DNA testing has come down, a new science called genetic genealogy has developed. For less than a hundred dollars, nearly anyone can uncover thousands of biological relatives through an “autosomal” DNA test.
Collectively, more than 30 million people have taken one or more of these tests. You simply order a home test kit and collect your own DNA by rubbing a swab inside your cheek or spitting into a tube.
A few weeks after you mail in your sample, your results will be compared to everyone else in that database. You log into your private account and see all your matches.
Your DNA Matches
Some people get lucky and immediately discover a parent, sibling, or first cousin. This is happening more often now that the databases are so big.
Most likely, your closest matches will be second or third cousins. Second cousins, for example, share a set of great-grandparents with you. By contacting that person and/or examining a posted family tree, you can then do conventional genealogy research to find the branch of their family that includes you.
The Tests You Need to Take
Here are the four autosomal DNA tests that can solve your mystery. Since each database is mostly different, you increase your chances of success by getting into all four databases.
As a bonus, each test includes an overall breakdown of your ethnic ancestry. Besides being of great personal interest, that information may provide a useful clue in your search.
Each test has a different set of features, advantages and limitations. No one test is always superior to the others. The following links will take you to the individual company web sites where you can learn more and place your order.
How to Get Additional Help
The company I mentioned earlier, Origins International, can take your DNA matches, apply the latest genetic genealogy tools, and do conventional genealogy research on your behalf. If you’re searching for a birth parent, they GUARANTEE to identify that person within 90 days or you pay nothing.
Use the this link to request a free case review or call them at (801) 500-0900.